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Oil Heating Tune-up and Service

PFO Premier Residential Burner Maintenance Agreement

This plan includes the annual inspection of the operating controls, smoke pipe, chimney base, boiler or furnace, cleaning the flue passes and pipe, lubrication of motors, and tune up of the burner to perform at its highest and safest efficiency possible.

Burner tune-ups are to be scheduled by the customer at any time of the year during normal business hours, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday thru Friday, and can be in conjunction with other burner service during these hours.

The following list of parts and controls will be replaced or repaired, free of charge, as necessary due to normal use:

  • Aquastats (Single, Dual, Combination)
  • Blast Tube
  • Blower Belts and Pulleys
  • Blower Motor (up to ½)
  • Burner Couplings
  • Burner Fan
  • Burner Motor
  • Buss Bars
  • Cad Cell Complete
  • Cad Cell Control
  • Delayed Oil Valve
  • Delayed Oil Valve Coil
  • Electrode Terminals
  • Electrodes
  • Emergency Switch
  • End Cone
  • Fan Belt
  • Fan Center
  • Fan Control
  • Fuel Pump
  • Fuel Pump Gasket
  • Fuel Pump Strainer
  • Ignition Transformer
  • Ignition Wires
  • Limit Switch
  • Low Voltage Transformer
  • Nozzle
  • Nozzle Assembly
  • Oil Filter and Cartridge
  • Porcelains
  • Port Line
  • Pressure Trol
  • Primary Control

All non-covered labor and parts will be discounted at 10% off prevailing rates.

Service Labor- Service calls will have no charge for labor, if caused by the previously listed parts, when calls are received during the following schedule: Winter, Oct 15 thru Apr 15, Mon thru Fri, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm & Sat 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Summer Apr 16 thru Oct 14, Mon thru Fri, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

When service is requested after hours, on Holidays and Sundays during winter, or Holidays, Saturday and Sunday during the summer, a labor charge of a time – and – one half will be billed at out prevailing rate minus a 10% discount.

Emergency service is defined as no heat or hot water during the heating season, serious oil leaks or other dangerous situation. All other calls are handled during normal business hours.

Exclusions – This document covers only those parts or accessories specifically listed herein which are defective due to normal use and/or wear.

Customize your Agreement with these options:

Oil-fired water heaters
Provides coverage for oil-fired domestic water heaters, including all burner parts, aquastat, primary control, emergency switch, and draft regulator. An annual inspection/cleaning is also included. It excludes a repair or replacement of the water tank, pressure relief valve, aquastat well, and anode rod.

Hydronic zone coverage
Provides coverage each zone of heat, such as primary or secondary floors, extensions to the main house, etc. The following parts are covered; circulator motor, circulator mounts, couplings, thermostat (heat zone), zone valve power head, circulator relay, and low voltage transformers.

Terms & Conditions

Customer agrees to purchase entire fuel oil requirements from us; otherwise the contract is cancelled and no refund will be made.

  1. We reserve the right to inspect and approve the equipment covered before instituting the Service Agreement. Initial repairs required to place the burner in acceptable condition are not covered. All plans will automatically be renewed from year to year unless terminated by either party giving 30 days notice. Service under any plan will be suspended if customer’s oil or service charges are not paid when due. If buyer permits any person other than our employees to render service to the equipment except instructed by us, the plan is void.
  2. Plans include only repair and replacement of parts specifically listed herein which are defective due to ordinary wear. Service plans do not cover any service or repairs to the boiler itself, heat exchangers, jackets, combustion chambers, piping, radiation, hot water storage tanks, ductwork, humidifiers, clock controls, air conditioners, air cleaners, or any accessories not specified in this document. We are not responsible for replacement parts that are obsolete or unobtainable.
  3. Seller will not be responsible for damages resulting from fires, accident and delays unavoidable or beyond their control for the loss or damage cause directly or indirectly for any reason including, but not limited to, burner failure or equipment failure.
  4. This Agreement covers only labor and/or parts required directly on the oil burner, controls and specified other parts which are a part of the burner installation. Service labor and parts required as a result of abnormal conditions, such as war, fire, floods, hurricanes, strikes, or other Acts of God; or failure of purchase to maintain water at proper level in boiler or properly maintain the heating and domestic hot water systems, power interruptions, blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers, water damage, thermostat not calling for heat, failure of purchaser to maintain sufficient oil level in tank when on a “will call” delivery basis.
  5. Service performed but not included in contract coverage will be billed at prevailing rates in effect. Minimum charge is for one hour.
  6. Prices quoted refer only to burners up to 2.5 gallons per hour. Prices for other burners are available on request. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties hereto and there are no promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than printed herein. The Agreement cancels and supersedes all prior Agreements on burner service.
  7. There will be no refunds on any unused portion of the Plan, although it may be transferred to new occupant subject to our approval.
  8. This Program will be automatically renewed unless customer requests cancellation.
  9. This Plan, as detailed, covers only one heating unit. Additional units in same basement will be covered at ½ the policy cost.
Stay warm and cozy this Winter
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