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energy kinetics system 2000 installation

System 2000 Boilers

Save Up to 40% Off Your Heating Bills With A New System 2000

PFO Heating & Air Conditioning is proud to be an authorized dealer and service provider for Energy Kinetics, a boiler system manufacturer that delivers superior, energy-efficient products designed to increase comfort and energy savings for residential and commercial customers alike. Energy Kinetics is renowned for its long history of producing America’s most efficient heating and hot water systems.

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Better Heating And Bigger Savings

UP to 88% AFUE
High Efficiency
Fuel Types: Oil, Natural Gas, Propane
Residential and Commercial Use

  • Whisper Quiet
  • Endless Hot Showers
  • Exceptionally clean burning
  • ASME certified construction
  • Stackable model available
  • 5 zone control, upgradable to 12 zones
  • Easily piped to multiple zones
  • Outside combustion air connection
  • Cuts up to 40% or more off home heating bills
  • All Natural Gas and Propane systems include a gas protection alarm that detects unsafe combustible gas or carbon monoxide levels
  • Made in the USA for over 35 years

Why Choose An Energy Kinetics System 2000?

There’s a lot to love about the System 2000 boiler, which features an AFUE rating of up to 88%, provides nearly unlimited hot water, works with a variety of fuel types (natural gas, oil, and propane) and has models suitable for both residential (large, very large, and the largest of homes) and commercial uses. As with all Energy Kinetics boilers, System 2000 models are certified to meet ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) standards and products have been made in the USA with domestically sourced materials for over 35 years.

The benefits you’ll enjoy with a System 2000 model are many and varied. For starters, you’ll gain the convenience of adjustable heating, including five-zone control that could be upgraded to as many as twelve zones. You can easily pipe heat to multiple zones for optimal climate control and energy efficiency.

These systems also keep safety in mind. When you use natural gas or propane for fuel, your system includes a gas protection alarm designed to detect unsafe levels of combustible gas or carbon monoxide that could pose health and safety risks.

From the standpoint of practicality, you’ll enjoy whisper quiet performance, nearly endless hot water production, and exceptionally clean burning products that help to cut your carbon footprint even as they reduce home heating costs by up to 40% (or more) over similarly rated AFUE products. Stackable models are available. For more information, download our free product guide.

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Superior Energy Efficiency

Innovative design is at the root of the energy savings your Energy Kinetics System 2000 model delivers, and there are three main areas of focus that contribute to optimal performance and energy efficiency.

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AFUE boilers annual efficiency chart

Digital Energy Manager (1)

One of the primary causes of energy waste in boiler systems is boilers that idle or finish hot. The Digital Energy Manager features a Hybrid Energy Recovery® Cycle that recycles leftover heat. When the heating process is done, excess heat is sent into your home for added comfort, reducing waste.

digital energy managerThis delivers significantly improved efficiency and performance, as opposed to “outdoor reset” system. With the right model for the size of your home or commercial space, energy usage will precisely match your needs to further reduce waste.

High-Performance Domestic Hot Water Systems (2)

The boiler systems manufactured by Energy Kinetics are designed to stop heat loss, especially when properly installed and maintained by the experts at PFO Heating & Air Conditioning. For starters, the insulated storage tank delivers nearly endless hot water.

Then there’s the advanced technology stainless steel heat exchanger, which is internationally recognized for delivering the most effective and efficient heat transfer, as it captures full boiler output for domestic hot water. The smart, integrated overall design offers comprehensive function and efficiency by seamlessly interfacing with the Digital Energy Manager for energy recovery.

Unique, Patented Spiral Boiler Design (3)

The pioneering boiler design that put Energy Kinetics on the map started with the creative concept of wrapping the flame of the burner with a low mass spiral heat exchanger for a boiler that runs only when you need it and recovers energy at the end of heating and hot water cycles. This design eliminates the typical pins, baffles, and micro-passages that impact energy efficiency. Further, an outside combustion air connection eliminates common issues like drafts and drawing heated air from your home interior.

The gasket-free, one-piece construction of the specially formulated steel boiler ensures longevity. Energy Kinetics boilers consistently deliver over 30 years of use, consistently surpassing traditional cast iron models, especially when properly installed and maintained by trained professionals like the experts at PFO Heating & Air Conditioning. If you want to learn more, simply download the product guide.

Advanced Technologies, Maximum Savings

PFO Heating & Air Conditioning is proud to partner with a manufacturer like Energy Kinetics that is committed to developing new technologies that deliver optimal efficiency and significant energy savings. System 2000 models offer up to 40% savings on heating costs over competitor products, thanks to the Hybrid Energy Recovery® Cycle. Also known as thermal purge, this feature is superior to temperature reset and it eliminates the need for adjustments through trial and error.

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