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this is the exterior picture of a case study for gas furnace and air conditioning in Hamilton NJ

Residential Carrier Infinity Gas Furnace and AC System Installation in Hamilton NJ

At PFO we helped our customer Claire M. with a new Gas Furnace and AC system installation.

Our customer lives in a two story Townhome in the Villages of Hamilton, New Jersey, and was looking to replace her existing HVAC system due to poor performance, loud operation and high costs.

We decided that Carrier was the ideal brand to meet her needs and make her house comfortable again.


Our customer Claire M. had an old York HVAC system that was performing poorly and the outside AC system located near the front door was very loud. Her old system also left certain rooms too hot or too cold which made her very uncomfortable.


We installed a new Carrier Infinity 98% Gas Furnace with a two stage outdoor AC unit in order to increase her house comfort and reduce energy costs. Also, the new outdoor AC equipment is much quieter now which was important for her because it is near the front door.

Energy Savings

Carrier is a leading brand in the market and its HVAC equipments can help you save energy costs.

Claire M. tracked her electric bills for the last few months and turns out she saved a total of $500 during her first winter with the new heating system and her current monthly energy costs after the installation are $17/month during the summer season.

Her house has become comfortable again and she can use the heating or AC without worrying about anything.

“I really like how evenly the temperatures are from room to room. I can now relax in my living room without having to use a blanket.”

Claire M.

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Quiet Operation and Energy Savings in Hamilton, NJ

product images for new AC installation in Hamilton NJ

Carrier Solutions

We were able to install a new Carrier Infinity Gas Furnace up to 98.5% AFUE and an AC system to replace the old cooling and heating system of our customer Claire M. in Hamilton, NJ.

Whole house “central” Carrier heating and air conditioning deliver comfortable indoor air temperatures by blowing warm or cool air into each room of your home through ductwork.

With smart temperature management and remote-access options, new technology from Carrier makes it easier than ever to control your home’s climate. Carrier’s energy-efficient systems can help reduce utility bills without sacrificing comfort.

Interested in Financing? Special financing is available with approved credit. Give us a call to learn more. Call (800) 253-9001.

High Efficiency Means Rebates

By selecting a high-efficiency HVAC system, you will be eligible for the New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program which provides rebates for qualifying high-efficiency HVAC systems.

Our customer installed a new Mitsubishi high-efficiency system and received a rebate of $1,250.00.

We handle all of the rebate paperwork for our customers. Give us a call today at (800) 253-9001 to get started.

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We service the greater Hamilton, New Jersey 08619 area including all surrounding towns such as Lawrenceville, Trenton, Colonial Heights, Ewing Township, Braeburn Heights and beyond. 

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