An air-conditioned room should smell normal. This means that there shouldn't be unpleasant, strange, offensive or unusual air conditioner smells. However, if your air conditioner does produce a very distinct... read more →
The SEER rating of an air conditioner is one of the essential factors to look into when facing an air conditioner replacement. It is an indicator of the HVAC system's... read more →
Summer means that our cooling systems are working a lot to keep our homes cool and comfy. However, if you have an old air conditioner, it might not be able... read more →
People who live in certain areas will find summers quite unbearable if they have no access to air conditioning. As a homeowner, you will want to ensure that your cooling... read more →
The days are getting hotter with the arrival of the summer season. During the hot weather, our air conditioners are an essential component as they give us relief from the... read more →
A/C refrigerant leaks are a common issue that is not easily determined. It is often the culprit behind your cooling system's inefficiency and the discomfort you feel in your home.... read more →
Air conditioning is an essential life of our everyday modern lives. However, it does not mean that this cooling unit is not taken for granted. These devices have been providing... read more →
Many homeowners utilize heat pumps to keep their homes comfortable. It is reliable but, just like any other machine, it will show signs of wearing out as time passes. One... read more →
Traditionally, spring is the time to start a major house cleaning project. The time is simply right - the season is mild, the air is cool, and the house is... read more →
Summer is just around the corner. Therefore, now is the time to have your air conditioner checked to ensure that it is fully functional. If you had not scheduled your... read more →