Air conditioners work hard to bring us much needed relief from the heat. Like everything else, AC units eventually reach their limit and have to be replaced. An upgrade of the cooling system may be necessary once you start to notice the following signs:
1. Life Span
You can count on your AC to last for about 15 years. Some have a longer lifespan where it may last up to 17 years. However, it may already start to show its age by the time it reaches a decade of service. Don’t wait until the unit is on its last legs before you purchase another one. Explore what’s available on the market. Compare their specifications and prices to find the best value for money.
2. Repair Cost
When things go wrong, the first impulse is to have the unit repaired and not replaced. This makes sense given the disparity in cost of the two approaches. However, there might come a time when the air conditioner breaks down so frequently that you end up spending a fortune just to keep it running. The cost, stress, and inconvenience becomes too much. It could be better to start fresh with a brand new installation that you can rely on.

3. Energy Consumption
Some homeowners might notice their electric bills rising significantly every month despite maintaining the status quo in terms of usage. Air conditioning accounts for the biggest share of the household’s energy consumption so it is worthwhile to investigate if this is causing the anomaly. Old units do not run as efficiently as they did when they were new. As such, they need to consume more energy just to produce the same amount of cooling. Upgrade to save on monthly bills.
4. Performance Level
The performance of an AC naturally declines with age. After a while, you will notice that it is no longer able to cool down all rooms in the house. It may take a while before it is able to hit the desired temperature. It may even start to get noisy as the system is having a harder time doing its job. This can result in sleepless nights. Give yourself a break and get an upgrade.

5. Load Matching
Sometimes you need to change your unit because of a change in cooling load. Remember that the AC should match the area that it is supposed to cool down. If you have expanded your home by adding a new floor upstairs or extending to the sides of your lot, then the current system may prove to be inadequate. You may also want to modify your air conditioner if there was a flaw in the original load calculations that need correction.
6. Design Shift
There are also homeowners who would like to shift from a central air conditioning system to a discrete design using individual mini split ACs, also known as ductless systems, for each room. This provides the occupants with greater control over the temperature setting. They can also turn off the unit if they are going out such that energy is not wasted.

7. Advanced Technologies
Newer air conditioners boast of smart technologies that allow them to perform better. They have programmable thermostats that can automatically turn the system on or off at specific times and adjust the room temperature as needed. They have far higher efficiency ratings that translate to lower energy consumption and reduced bills. Speak with a professional cooling expert. They will be able to present some options that would work best for your home.
AC Upgrade Quotes Hamilton NJ
For professional and expert air conditioning services, contact Princeton Heating & Air Conditioning. We have been providing air conditioning services since 1942 and we will be able to find the most effective and energy efficient cooling solutions for your home. We also offer many different types of home services. For a detailed list of what PFO can offer you, click here.

Princeton Heating & Air Conditioning is proud to be an authorized dealer for Carrier HVAC systems. We are among the few providers in NJ to hold a Carrier Presidents Award Dealer distinction. This means that we have been recognized by Carrier as providing superior services in our industry. To learn about Carrier systems, click here.
Contact us now at (800) 253-9001 to find out more!